advocate for cleaner water
Our extraordinary donors take pride in helping shape the future of our area empowering us to implement our programs, educational opportunities, and volunteer experiences. When you give, you fuel groundbreaking research that helps ensure the water tributaries leading to Lake Michigan are monitored for changes which helps ensure a cleaner Lake Michigan.
Since our founding, Friends of Hika Bay has been able to use our funding towards:
Creek monitoring
Seasonal creek sampling
Organize and publish data
Partner with local universities to provide educational internships to students
Invasive species monitoring and control
Restoration projects and tree plantings
With that supportive and collaborative approach in mind, we offer the opportunity to give online directly to Friends of Hika Bay. Your gift builds our capacity to continue conservation work. Your generosity is a true community investment!
additional ways to
Make an Impact
We are always seeking volunteers to help bring some of our plans to life. If you would like to join our volunteer list click here.
Legacy gifts, bequests, gifts of stock, estate planning, in-kind donations, in-kind services, and volunteering
If you don’t feel comfortable giving online you may download this form and mail it instead.